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发表日期:2020-10-26 作者:沈阳家教网 电话:微信号jiake7888


Teaching goals:

  1. Languagegoals:

  1. 圆角矩形: v. shine cry wash sleep
n. day cloud sky sun family bridge boat river ship aeroplane 
prep. with
phrase. walk over fly over jump off wait for

Words and phrases:






  1. Drills: 

    圆角矩形: We / They are(walking)over /under ⋯
They are jumping off a wall.






  1. Ability goals: 谈论一家人在一起正在做什么事。

Teaching importantpoints:

圆角矩形: 现在进行时
动词搭配介词的用法 walk over fly over 等



Teaching difficultpoints:

圆角矩形: 动词搭配介词的用法 walk over fly over 等




Teaching steps: (briefintroduction)

Step1  Warm-up

  1. Thereare three pictures covered. Watch the three pictures and guess what he/she/theyis/are doing.

  2. 通过What is/arehe/she/they doing?引出What is Mr. Sawyer’sfamily doing?

Step2  Listen and read

  1. 介绍听力背景引出问题:It’s a fine day. The Jones are having a walk.They are looking at the boats. Listen to the audio and answer the question: Whereare the boats?

  2. 看动画选择正确的图片:Have the studentsunderstand the situation of every picture.Then answer 3 questions.(watch 2 or 3times.)

  3. Fastreaction:  Yes/No questions. 


           Is it a fine day?

           Are there no cloud in the sky?

           Is the sun shinning?

Step 3  Different tones

  1. 学生试读

  2. 指导升降调和重音

  3. 部分难点句型须释义

  4. 跟随音频和手势逐句练习

  5. 分组练习

  6. 老师检测

Step 4  Vocabulary I

  1. Wordslearning: The students have learned the words of L33-34 by an app at home.

  2. 逐一唤醒,部分纠音

  3. 小组练习

  4. 游戏检测 1. Fast Reaction.

  1. Listen and choose the correct picture.

  2. Order game.


Step 5  Mind map

a. 整体介绍路线图,如有几幅图,每幅图的描述重点,等等。

b. Step 1 (重点):释义图标连词成句带手势跟读检查组长小组练习老师检查

c.Step 2: 无词图检测带手势跟读小组练习老师检查

d.Step 3: 选词检测小组PK→号码PK

e.Step 4: 集体带手势背诵小组PK→个人PK

Step 6   Vocabulary II

a-c.  VocabularyI

d. 游戏检测 1. Fast Reaction.

2. 狗吃骨头游戏:Look,the dog is very hungry. Listen tothe audio, If you can 

choose the rightpicture, the dog can eat all the bones. Let’s see which team

is the smartestone.

3.Match game. Match the right words and pictures


Step7  Grammar

  1. Activitylead-in

         There are three houses onthe street.There are two people in each house.

         Read the sentences on theright and find out who lives in the house.

    b.  Recognize the prepositions

  1. Readand think: 观察句子找到今天所学的语法目标——介词。

  2. Recognizethe prepositions according to the six pictures.

  3. Writtenpractice:Look at the picture, then try to finish the sentences.

    C.  Grammar discussion

  1. Thinkand conclude 

  2. Writtenpractice 

Step 7Happy life show

a.   介绍规则:Thistime let’s relax. Let’s perform our show.Come on!You can do 

     it.Which picture do you want to show? Pic1or pic2?

b.   老师示范,引出评分标准:NowIt’s my show. Music. I want to choose music

     I hope you can enjoy my show.......

c.   小组准备:Nowit’s your turn.You have 5 minutes to prepare. 

     Leaders,come on! Settle down yourteamwork.

d.    选择音乐表演


Step 8  Activity&OneLast Chance



  1. 完成Workbook L33-34

  2. 完成手机App中课堂检测L33-34

  3. 预习35-36课单词,在app中学习35-36课新单词。